Water Tank Cleaning Services


Inspection, cleaning and sterilisation of water storage tanks

A Inspection and cleaning procedures

1 The inspection and cleaning of water storage tanks shall be undertaken by a licensed

water service plumber.

2 Before the commencement of any cleaning and sterilisation work, the licensed water

service plumber shall notify the Authority on prescribed forms of the work to be

carried out.


3 Before the commencement of any cleaning and sterilisation work, a joint inspection

with the owner or his representative shall be carried out to check on the condition of

the water storage tank (including its associated fittings such as the overflow pipes,

air vents, nettings, tank manhole covers, etc and ancillary equipment).

4 Before the commencement of any inspection or cleaning and sterilisation work on

the water storage tank, the owner or his authorised representative shall turn off

power supply to the water tank. The licensed water service plumber shall place a


tag out card at the switch board after the power supply to the tank has been

switched off. The licensed water service plumber shall use a contactless voltage

meter to test the exposed areas on the water tank to confirm that it is safe to inspect

and work on and in the tank before he proceeds with his inspection/work. All

persons involved in the inspection and cleaning and sterilisation work shall use

proper rubber gloves and safety shoes. On completion of inspection and cleaning

and sterilisation work, the licensed water service plumber shall remove the logout/

tag out card at the switch board and the owner or his authorised representative

shall then turn on power supply to the water tank. The licensed water service

plumber shall use a contactless voltage meter to again test the exposed areas on the

water tank to confirm that it is safe electrically.

5 Water storage tanks which are equipped with water level sensing devices with

control circuits that regulate the water level inside the tanks and activate / deactivate

the electric water pump(s) shall use extra low voltage (e.g. d.c. voltage source at 36

volts or a.c. voltage source at 24 volts) for the water level control circuits. Power

supply to the water level sensing devices shall be independent of each other, i.e. the

power supply to any one individual water level sensing device must be able to be

shut off without affecting the power supply to the other water level sensing devices.

6 All remedial works to the tank and its associated fittings and ancillary equipment

arising from the joint inspection shall be carried out before commencement of

cleaning work. Before the commencement of any cleaning and sterilisation work,

adequate notice should be given to consumers and adequate signboards shall be

displayed to indicate that the water tanks are undergoing cleaning and sterilisation.

7 The water in the tank shall be used to around 150 to 200 mm above the bottom of

the tank before the tank is isolated and the outlet pipes shut off.

8 The external of the tank and the tank manhole covers shall be cleaned before the

tank covers are opened.

9 All tank manhole covers shall be opened to admit light and for ventilation and

access. It shall be ensured that the tank is isolated and all outlet pipes are shut.

10 All statutory safety requirements as well as other necessary and relevant safety

measures shall be complied with at all times to ensure that it is safe to enter the tank.

11 All workers involved in the cleaning work must be certified by a medical doctor to

be free from waterborne


12 All workers involved in the cleaning work shall wash, clean and disinfect

themselves thoroughly before entering the tank.

13 All workers involved in the cleaning work must observe safety measures at all times

and mush be properly equipped with the necessary safety equipment and gear.

14 Equipment and tools used shall not have sharp edges that may damage the inside of

the tank. The equipment and tills shall be exclusively used for the cleaning of

potable water tanks only and shall be disinfected before every use.

15 To prevent sludge and sediments from entering the outlet pipes, all outlets of these

pipes shall be covered. The sludge and sediments shall be placed in containers for

disposal at authorised dumping grounds.

16 The internal of the tank including the floors, walls, roof, internal of the tank manhole

covers, etc shall then be cleaned using appropriate methods such as scrubbing,

pressure jet, etc, Sediments and solids shall be collected in containers for disposal at

authorised dumping grounds.

17 The roof and sides of the tank walls above the overflow level shall be cleaned and

disinfected too. Chlorine solution of 200 mg/litre shall be applied onto the internal

surfaces of the roof and sides of the tank walls above the overflow level (by spraying

or brushing) and left there for at least 30 minutes after they have been cleaned and


18 The entire tank (including the roof and sides of the tank walls above the overflow

level) shall be thoroughly washed and flushed until it is clean and free from dirt,

solids, chemicals or other foreign matter which may affect the quality of water

stored and supplied to consumers.

B Sterilisation procedure

1 . The sterilisation of water storage tanks shall be undertaken by a licensed water

service plumber.

  1. After cleaning, potable water is fed into the cleaned tank up to overflow level.

Sterilising chemical in solution form containing chlorine shall be gradually added

while the tank is being filled to ensure thorough mixing. Safety procedure for the

handling of such chemical must be observed at all times. Introduction of the

sterilising chemical into the tank in powder form is not allowed.

  1. The chemical concentration for sterilisation of the tank shall be 50 mg/litre of free

chlorine (i.e. 50 ppm of free chlorine). Ordinary “bleaching powder” in solution

form or sodium form or sodium hypochlorite solution may be used with equivalent


  1. While the water in the tank is being sterilized, all outlet pipes from the tank must be

closed tight and no water shall be allowed to flow into these pipes as the water under

sterilisation may not be safe for human consumption.

  1. The sterilized water shall be kept in the tank for at least 24 hours. The water in the

tank is then drained off completely through the wash out pipe and the tank refilled

with potable water through the inlet pipe. It must be ensured that all outlet pipes are

closed tight before refilling

the tank with potable water.

  1. Water samples shall then be taken from the tank sampling tap for bacteriological and

chemical analyses at a SACSINGLAS

accredited laboratory. In the absence of a

tank sampling tap, water samples shall be taken from the bottom of the tank using an

appropriate sampling device.

7 . Water samples shall be taken by a licensed water service plumber and should be

sealed and marked by the owner or his representative and escorted to the SACSINGLAS

accredited laboratory. Alternatively, the water samples may be taken by

personnel from the SACSINGLAS

accredited laboratory and sealed and marked by

the owner or his representative. Water samples with broken seals shall be rejected.

8 . The tank and the water shall only be put into use after satisfactory test reports are

obtained form the SACSINGLAS

accredited laboratory. All downfeed and

distributing pipes from the tank shall be thoroughly flushed until clean before water

from the tank is put into use.

9 . If the test reports from the SACSINGLAS

accredited laboratory are unsatisfactory,

terilization shall have to be carried out again.

  1. After cleaning and terilization have been completed, a final joint inspection with

the owner or his representative to check on the condition of the water tank shall be

carried out to ensure that all remedial works have been carried out and all tank

openings (such as air vents, overflow and warning pipes, etc) have been properly

screened to prevent birds, insects and other possible contaminants from entering the

water tank.

11 . Upon completion of cleaning and terilization work, the licensed water service

plumber shall notify the authority on prescribed forms of the completion work

accompanied with the laboratory water sample test reports within the time period

stipulated by the Authority.

12 . Only in cases where the tank cannot be shutdown for 24 hours or more, the

following sterilisation procedure may be used:

Observe procedures B1 to B11 but add sufficient chemicals to give the water

a dose of 500 mg/litre of free chlorine. Then keep the sterilized water in the

tank for at least 2 hours before draining completely.

Following the draining and refilling to overflow level, the tank and water can

be put into use. Onsite

testing of the chlorine concentration in the water in

the tank shall be carried out to ensure that the chlorine concentration is

satisfactory before the tank and water are put into use. All downfeed and

distributing pipes from the tank shall be thoroughly flushed until clean

before water from the tank is put into use.

Water samples shall be taken at the same time and sent to a SACSINGLAS

accredited laboratory for bacteriological and chemical analyses. If the test

reports from the SACSINGLAS

accredited laboratory are unsatisfactory,

sterilization shall have to be carried out again.

The use of any other sterilizing chemical other than chlorine for the

sterilization of water storage tanks is allowed only if the chemical and its

application procedures have been approved by the Authority. Similarly, the

use of any other cleaning or sterilization procedures is allowed only if the

procedures have been approved by the Authority.

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